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Whistleblower Policy

A whistleblower is a stakeholder of Minho (M) Bhd who discloses or reports conduct unbecoming of a responsible member of the Minho Group. Such conduct could potentially seriously harm the Company and may include deliberate unsafe work practices which ignore the safety and wellbeing of others.


Conduct considered reportable in this regard may include:-

* unethical behaviour such as acting dishonestly and knowingly making false book

  entries and other records and engaging in questionable accounting practices and

  altering company records.

* unsafe work practices with wilful disregard for the safety of others.

* fraudulent or corrupt activities for personal gain.

* any criminal offence including drug peddling or use, violence or threatened violence

  and damage to company property.

* theft of company or stakeholders' property or any items belonging to others.

* concealment of the commitment of any illegal activity, misdemeanour or any breach

  of company values which has the potential to cause harm.


A major consideration given to the implementation of this whistleblowing policy is the protection of the whistleblower who, by virtue of his or her involvement can, and is often, the target of retaliatory action by the perpetrators of unethical behaviour.


The Board of Directors hereby declare their support for the actions of the whistleblower performing his or her obligations of a stakeholder and responsible member of Minho (M) Bhd. In this regard, any member of the Board may be approached by the whistleblower to report any unethical behaviour he or she becomes aware of. Any retaliatory action against a whistleblower will not be tolerated.

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